Friday, March 20, 2009


It's about halfway through Lent now, and I feel myself beginning to slack on this attempt at cultivating discipline. It's not that it's hard to come up with theological thoughts, but it is hard to come up with new ones.

On the other hand, I like the fact that writing these posts have made me intentionally look at my life a little differently. Thinking about ordinary events in theological terms gives life a sense of the sacred. Just a little bit. When you remember.

I remember Dr. Matthews last semester talking about how John Wesley quoted scripture so prolifically in his sermons. He said Wesley just lived in the world of scripture. He was so familiar with it that he couldn't help but talk about things in those terms. I'd like to be like that. Maybe if I lived a little more in the world of scripture I wouldn't run out of thoughts so easily!

Meanwhile, maybe new thoughts are overrated. Maybe when you're not feeling particularly insightful, it's enough just to be thankful for little things. Like the first day of spring. Like friends who mysteriously disappear from class for a long period of time and return with a latte for you. Like the guy Eric sent me an article about, who feeds homeless people every day with his own money and whatever donations he gets. When there are things to be thankful for, life is sacred.

1 comment:

  1. I guess your commenters are slacking also.
    Anyway, nice thought about when there are things to be thankful for.....
