Thursday, March 5, 2009

One body

There's a lot to be thankful for today. The weather turned unexpectedly beautiful, it's Taco Mac Thursday, there is a cake in my oven, and a Greek midterm is the only thing that stands between me and spring break less than 24 hours away.

And I was thankful to get to go to the international student worship service today. It's the first regular Tuesday/Thursday chapel service I've been to all semester, since I'm usually at work then. The chapel was full, and in a very colorful way. Candler's such a diverse place, but you can't always just look around and see that like you could today. And it was a chance to recognize the real gifts that international students bring to the community, gifts that aren't always in the spotlight.

Obviously a three-paragraph blog entry isn't the place to go into the reasons why Candler's diversity doesn't always permeate our experience or why certain people's gifts haven't more often been in the spotlight. So though that's a worthy discussion topic, I'm not trying to lead it here today. All I want to say is that I was thankful for the chance today to come together and celebrate as one more complete, more representative body of Christ, and that I'm thankful for that chance whenever it arises.

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